
近期本校已有兩件校內違法吸菸遭檢舉經新竹市衛生局處以罰鍰案例 Recently, there have been two cases of violators smoking on NTHU campus, which were reported and fined by the Public Health Bureau in Hsinchu City.


  1. 菸害防制法第15、16條規定(摘錄)大專校院所在之室外場所除吸菸區外,不得吸菸;未設吸菸區者,全面禁止吸菸。
  2. 近期本校已有兩件違法吸菸遭檢舉經新竹市衛生局處以罰鍰案例(一案於室內抽菸、一案於戶外非吸菸區抽菸)。
  3. 本校指定吸菸區共有六處,全校教職工生對校園內於非吸菸區吸菸者,均有勸阻之義務與權利;非吸菸區吸菸者經勸導而拒不合作者,將依規定懲處。
  4. 有關戒菸諮詢及轉介,可洽衛生保健組提供協助,專線03-5743000。
  5. 依法應於所有入口處設置明顯禁菸標示,並不得供應與吸菸有關之器物。衛保組提供精美靜電中英文禁菸貼紙,可提供校內轉帳領用,每張酌收工本費15元

Recently, there have been two cases of violators smoking on NTHU campus, which were reported and fined by the Public Health Bureau in Hsinchu City. Smoking is completely prohibited at indoor areas of universities and colleges except in the outdoor designated smoking areas. Please comply with all regulations to avoid penalties.

  1. The regulations excerpted from the articles 15 and 16 in tobacco hazards prevention act (THPCA) state thatSmoking in the outdoor areas of universities and colleges is prohibited except in the designated smoking areas, and smoking is completely prohibited therein if no such smoking area is designated
  2. Two cases of violation have been reported lately and violators were thereby fined by the authority concerned. One occurred at the indoor area and the other occurred in the outdoor designated non-smoking area.
  3. There are six designated smoking areas on NTHU campus. All faculties and students in NTHU have the obligation and right to dissuade someone smoking in the non-smoking areas on campus; those violators who refuse to cooperate after persuasion would be punished according to the regulations.
  4. For the smoking cessation counseling and referral services, you can contact the NTHU division of health service for assistance on 03-5743000.
  5. From the THPCA, the aforementioned places shall have conspicuous non-smoking signs at all of their entrances and other appropriate locations indicating non-smoking or smoking is prohibited outside the smoking area, and shall not supply smoking-related objects except within of the smoking area.
  6. The NTHU division of health service provides the non-smoking stickers in English and Chinese language, which can be paid by the transfer in school and then used. Each fee is NT15 dollars.

